Welcome to my website

  1. 000WebHost Server

  2. csis server

  3. codepen

  4. M-Drive

Program 01

  1. Word press topics page

  2. Part 2 code pen

  3. csis server

  4. M-Drive

  5. 000WebHost server

  6. in my opinion my favorite hosting platform out of the given ones are the csis server. I really like the simplicity of using Linux and its really nice when I can just code and upload html files in notepad++ which is something I know very well and already having experience with the NPPFTP it all just works better for me.

Program 02

  1. Cloned repository HTML file

  2. git hub Repo

  3. CSIS Project 13 repository

  4. Merge Conflict screenshot

Program 03

  1. Program 03

  2. My preferred hosting site is the CSIS server because i am able to write the code in notepad++ and then immediately upload it from there, refresh my page and test it

Program 04

Program 04

Program 05

Program 05

Program 06

Program 06

Program 07

Program 07